Sunday, December 11, 2011

Disney Birthday Party

Here are a few pictures from Brianna's Disney Birthday Party.  I cannot believe she is already two!

 WALL-E's Wings
 Ellie's Eggrolls and Fairy Godmother's Fried Cheese

 Happy's Hamburgers and Christopher Robin's Chicken Tenders
Sebastian's Spinach and Artichoke Dip 
 Simba's Salsa
Cinderella's Cookies 

The Rapunzel Princess and her Prince Daddy
Rapunzel herself
(I made the hair by braiding 15 pieces of super long yarn - 5 in each to make it thick) 
The "Fairy GRANDmother" played by my mom entertained the kiddos with bubbles. 
Showing Rapunzel the bubbles

The back of the long braid
(along with the crown - courtesy of Target)
Rapunzel's friends 
Her Nana
One of the Princes there 
The Cake - courtesy of Market Street
(I had them make a mini scene around each character.  Ariel - top left - was sitting on a rock in the ocean, Rapunzel - top right - was in a garden and her hair was all over the cake - notice the yellow?, Jasmine - bottom right - was flying on her magic carpet, and Tiana was sitting on a floating flower in the bayou.)
Party Favors - Rapunzel hair bow holders for the girls and Hook baseball hat holders for the boys
Close up of the hat holder 
Close up of some of the Rapunzel bow holders 
Another hat holder 
And another... 
Wrapped Disney Water bottles and Peter Pan's Pizza
Peter Pan's Pizza (from Chili's) for the kiddos 

Kids' table
Goofy's Goldfish 
Snow White's Strawberry Lemonade
(because if it was apple juice it'd probably be poisioned right?)
Minnie Mouse
Bubble Play

Asking if she could eat the cake yet - she had been eyeing it ALL day.

"WOW!" - after I told her we could finally eat the cake.

Her loot..

Opening all of her gifts...

The Disney themed party was a blast! 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Disney Water Bottle Wraps/ Labels

So this past weekend we went to a SUPER CUTE Minnie Mouse birthday party.  You would have thought that it was straight out of a magazine...seriously.  It was beautiful!  (Great job on Londyn's party Kim!)  So, being the crafty person that I am, I got some ideas from her party and am tweaking some of them for Brianna's Disney party.  The wraps on Etsy are crazy (price-wise: we are talking $15-$20 for 24 or so...) for what they are and the little time that they take to make - so I decided to make my own.

Here's the tutorial:
First cut your 8.5"x11" design into strips.

Next take off your water bottle labels.

Next take clear packing tape and lay your wrap face down on the tape.  (Make sure you have quite a bit of extra tape on each side of your wrap.) 
Next take your label and start with taping it to the water bottle.  Wrap the label around the bottle and finish by taping on top of the rest of the paper.  The clear packing tape will help with the label getting wet and bleeding the ink, however, it certainly does NOT make it waterproof. I would suggest that these bottles be kept in the fridge or at room temperature to keep the labels safe.

Final product - quotes side

More quotes...

Picture side: Tinker Bell, Disney Princesses, Minnie and Mickey Mouse, and Toy Story 2

Close up of the bottles...

Another close up...

And a close up of the Tinker Bell quote..."Faith and Trust...all you need is Pixie Dust!" - Tinker Bell

Total cost (including $3.99 water bottle pack at Kroger...about $4.15 - not too bad if you ask me).

If anyone knows how to upload a file onto BlogSpot, please e-mail me ( and I would love to share my template for the water bottle wraps.